Our Fulfillment center in Dubai is located in the heart of mainland Dubai near Airport. We provide Fulfillment Service to small-to-medium sized online sellers including product storage warehousing, order fulfillment in Dubai and courier service, inventory managing and returns handling. Same day fulfillment and delivery for all your orders no matter big or small.
Shopify Fulfillment service, Instagram Order Fulfillment, Facebook Orders Fulfillment service in Dubai by an experienced fulfillment service provider.
Here’s an overview of the complete fulfillment services we offer to growing online sellers for Shopify, Amazon, Noon and many more.
Once here, we ensure your merchandise is in good condition, we then store it in a designated area of our fulfillment center, and we provide you with access to our web-based fulfillment software to allow you to constantly monitor inventory levels, orders and shipments
Our Dubai fulfillment center also handles order returns for online merchants, freeing up more of your time and allowing you to keep good inventory on hand at our fulfillment center.
When orders are returned, we alert you as to the condition of the merchandise, determine what should be done with the inventory, and we handle the shipping of new orders to your customers if necessary — all while keeping you informed
We have become a trusted leader in order fulfillment due to our reliable service and flexible, friendly terms, which include: